A victim of divorce tears his marriage license. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. Flickr author: Cordell Cordell.

Feeling Like a Victim in Divorce? There’s One Thing You CAN Control

Shortly after attorneys are retained and spouses are served, most people quickly surmise they are swimming in the quicksand of the family law court system. Many feel violated and abused, like victims of an unfair and uncaring court system.

Incompetent attorneys, outrageous fees, callous and going-through-the-motions judges, knucklehead forensic accounts, amateurish 730 evaluators and incompetent private investigators often seem to dominate the process.

Netflix' Marriage Story.

Thoughts on ‘Marriage Story’ & How to Choose A Divorce Attorney

The Netflix’ film Marriage Story is largely a story about what typically happens during divorce: Both sides hire bulldog lawyers. As private investigators, we’ve worked with hundreds of divorce lawyers through the years, and we are happy to help with free recommendations for family law attorneys. Choosing the right one is likely one of the most important decisions you will make in your life.